The idea behind the event was to decorate the rocks, hide them, and then have Hebron civilians see if they can find them throughout the town. The rocks are hidden in everyday spots, in public parks or grounds, and even near accessible locations (stairs, lampposts, or chairs).
This isn't just a Hebron thing. Other towns and places have created a similar phenomenon. Through hiding and finding rocks, it adds a culture and pride to one's town and home and gets people involved in the community.
When you find a rock, follow these instructions:
1. Admire the art on the rock and look to see what the art symbolizes
2. Pick it up and flip it over. Notice that it has @hhsrocks written on it in marker
3. Post a picture on Facebook, Instagram, or in our Facebook Group, HHS Rocks
4. Keep it, hide it in a new location, or put it back for the next traveler to find
5. Smile! You are a part of Hebron’s history!
You are also welcome to make your own Hebron rocks to hide around town. This is the perfect time of year now that the summer is over and we are all back at school again. It is a great opportunity to remember, share, and experience Hebron as you embark on a new school year.
Another great idea would be to record how many rocks you can find, including their locations. Then you can add additional locations or move the rocks to anew location (almost like geocaching). There are endless possibilities and you can be the one to partake in them. You can make HHS Rocks a fun and entertaining exploration!
These are some of the rocks that are hidden around town! See if you can find them!
I will be sure to post HHS rocks to this page as I find them throughout town.
As you return back to school, and attend the Hebron harvest Fair this coming week, think and find HHS rocks and remember where you came from, that little town called Hebron. Share in our community and enjoy Hebron rock hunting!
As always, share your story at