Well, we here in Hebron are at the end of our winter months and we've gotten quite a few snowstorms in the past week. There's lots of snow outside piled and piled from on and off days of snow and Northeasters coming through the town. School has been cancelled for quite a few days, and the amount of days piles up with the amount of make-up days for school. Other than the snow, not much else for news.
I'd be happy to share some of your Hebron snow photos if you email me at
hebronmapleleaf@gmail.com. I will put them on the blog's main page as a post. A lot of us are sick of the snow, but why not enjoy it while it lasts? No worries. The Maple Fest is right around the corner and spring will be here soon.
Just checking to make sure no one is hibernating too much,
Hebron Maple Leaf